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EuBIC Developers Meeting

The EuBIC Developers Meeting is a meeting organized every second year for the bioinformatics community. We alternate every year between an open meeting with talks and workshops, and a developers' meeting oriented towards problem solving. Open meetings are designed to be open to everyone, and aim at gathering the community around bioinformatics. Developers' meetings are restricted to bioinformaticians and aim at working on specific problems in a gender balanced environment gathering students, researchers and team leaders.


The 2020 EuBIC Developers Meeting will be located in Nyborg, Denmark. All bioinformaticians are invited to join this first EuBIC developers' meeting.


More information can be found on the dev. meeting page.

Why join the developers meeting?

By joining the developers meeting, you will gain experience in developing bioinformatics tools, build long-lasting international collaborations and participate in a dynamic peer-network. In turn, your contribution will help the community at large, making a concrete impact for users.

Propose a Project!

You have an idea of bioinformatics solution? A project to take to the next level? You want to better connect your work to the community? The EuBIC Developers meeting is here for this! We crowd source projects to connect bioinformaticians. You can vote for your favorite projects and international task forces will be created around the most successful proposals.

Practical Information

Practical information about the 2020 deleopers meeting can be found on the here.

Previous Winter School

The 2017 EuBIC Winter School was held in Semmering, Austria. The webpage can be found here.

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