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Hotel Mercure Kasprowy

Szymaszkowa 1

34-500 Zakopane




The EuBIC Winter School 2019 will take place at Hotel Mercure Kasprowy in Zakopane, Poland  ( To facilitate interactions, all participants are encouraged to stay at the hotel. The cost per night per person for a single room is: 97,50€.


To reserve a room, please directly browse For reduced fees please refer to the reserved room contingent for “EUBIC2019” (capital letters).






For convenience, we will organize up to three shuttle buses before the conference begins from the main station / airport in Krakow driving directly to the venue. At least one shuttle bus will depart on Monday at 6pm from Krakow airport. Right after the conference, again up to three shuttle buses will be available with destination main station / airport Krakow. They will depart on Friday at 1.15pm. Since the buses will take about 2 - 2.5h to the airport, we recommend to book airplanes which take of at least after 5pm on Friday. More information will be provided soon.




Travel grants

We kindly appreciate that the French Proteomics Society offers travel grants up to 500€ for the winter school. If you are interested, please contact the society. Please read carefully the section "GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR AWARDING OF OUR GRANTS".












Furthermore, we kindly appreciate that the Belgium Proteomics Association offers one travel grant up to 400€ for the winter school. If you are interested, please contact the association.
















Furthermore, we kindly appreciate that the Austrian Proteomics & Metabolomics Association offers two travel grants up to 300€ for the winter school. If you are interested, please follow the application instructions on the APMA homepage.
















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